Wednesday, November 17, 2010

People Get Ready...

I was listening to a song by Misty Edwards, and in her song “People Get Ready” there was a line that really got me thinking about the times we are living in.  “He’s not a baby in a manger anymore, He’s not a broken man on a cross, He didn’t stay in the grave, and He’s not staying in heaven forever.” 
WOW.  I was talking to a young man I was mentoring a few months back, and asked him, “if you knew Jesus was returning tomorrow at 9pm what would you do?”  We don’t know the day or the hour and there is now way that we will ever know because only the Father in Heaven does.  However, if we look at the signs of the times, and read the scriptures that talk about them (Matt 24, Mark 13, Revelations, etc…) we will see a recurring theme that Jesus is returning. 
I want to challenge those that read this blog with this question.  Even if the signs of the times were not presenting themselves the way that they are, even if we didn’t see the technological capabilities that we do now to make all of these “end times” type of things happen, and even if we did know the day and the hour that Jesus was going to return, would you change anything about the way that you were living?  The answer to that should be a resounding NO!  We should already be living out our faith because our desire should be to do what pleases HIM!  Our King has asked something of us, and it’s time, was time, and will be time to answer HIM with our words, actions, time, love, and life!
Truth is truth, and will always be truth.  Jesus is alive and will always be alive.  You and I have opportunity to reap the greatest harvest that this world has ever seen, and yes bigger than our heroes of the Faith, David, Moses, Isaiah, Elijah, Esther, the disciples, Paul, etc…Imagine the scene in heaven after the return of Christ.  Moses walks up to you and says, “What was it like?  What was it like to be a part of the greatest harvest in the worlds history?  What was it like to not only be a part of it, but to lead the charge?”  This is not a rhetorical statement, but one that can very well be asked of you when you walk through the gates of eternity.  By shear logic, there are over 6.5 billion people living on the planet, with the networking capabilities to reach nearly anyone in the world with the push of a few buttons or a few clicks.  Our opportunity far outweighs those that have come before us. 
“He’s not a baby in a manger anymore, He’s not a broken man on a cross, He didn’t stay in the grave, and He’s not staying in heaven forever.” 
The answer to the question was, “I would go do anything I could.  I would run down the streets.  I wouldn’t sleep that night.  I would tell every friend, enemy, person that I could find.  And I wouldn’t care what they would think.”
Now I say to you.  Live out the words of this young man, but not because we know the day and hour of His return, but because we couldn’t do anything else but please Him till we breath our last, or He comes.” 
Nike…Just do it…
Caleb Wampler

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